Online Advertising

Here's how our web banners and email marketing works

This form of online advertising promotes our products and services as well as provides information concerning your account. You have some control over what you see.

To make sure you’re informed of Monterra’s loan, account, and promotional offerings, we use a variety of channels to communicate with members and non-members. One of those channels is through web banners, both on this and other sites, and through email. We consider both of these to be “online advertising.”

You can see who Monterra’s primary online advertising partners are below, how we leverage their services, and what controls you have over the way in which we track site traffic and serve ads.

Google Analytics, AdWords, and Remarketing

Monterra uses Google Analytics, a service that uses “cookies” to track anonymous information regarding your activities on this site. This includes information about your visit including your device type, how you got to our site, the geographic area in which you live (not your address), and pages you’ve visited/links clicked while on this site. Some general demographic data may be provided by Google, such as an estimate of your gender and age range. This data is used to better understand how to improve the site content and user experience. Ads on this site may be tailored to you based on any of the information listed.

Retargeting and Prospecting Marketing Platforms

Monterra uses marketing platforms such as AdWords to place programmatic banner advertising on our behalf across a network of available banner inventory. This network spans a wide variety of sites in many categories, including sites such as Facebook and Instagram. Because this network spans so many different sites, the presence of a Monterra banner ad does not imply that Monterra is aligned with or supports the views expressed on each individual site.

Using third-party cookies, retargeting and prospecting platforms may display banner ads to you after you visit select pages on a site, if you exhibit similar behavioral or have demographic patterns similar to others visiting this site, if you have an email on file with Monterra that can be matched to cookies on your device, or a combination thereof. Regardless of the targeting method, all cookies are anonymous and no personally identifiable information is being captured or used.

  • What you can control: If you would no longer like to be targeted with retargeting or prospectingAdRoll banner ads, you must turn off third-party cookies in your browser settings. Note that turning off cookies may impact more than just the specific platform you wish to disengage from AdRoll. Learn more about opting out of third-party cookies.

Documatix Email Marketing Service Provider

Monterra uses the Documatix Digital Platform offered through Marquis to send promotional as well as informational emails to you, if we have your valid email address on file. These emails keep you informed about your account, new loan and account options, special promotional offers, educational events, and more.

  • Opt Out: You cannot opt out or limit these types of communications as they are required based on the relationship you have with Monterra. If you no longer wish to receive promotional email from Monterra, you can opt out by either using the link at the bottom of any email we send, calling (650) 363-1725 or visit any branch and express your choice to opt out of receiving promotional email.

If you have any questions about the ways Monterra conducts online advertising or email marketing, please feel free to reach out to us by visiting

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